

The Telegraph

1 July 2024

Support for Tories set to halve among ‘Whitby Woman’ voters

Support for the Conservatives is set to halve among “Whitby Woman” voters who overwhelmingly backed them at the last election, a new poll shows.

The crucial group has an average age of 61, backed Brexit and voted for Boris Johnson in 2019, but went into this election campaign undecided.

A survey by More in Common, a think tank, of the 40 constituencies with the highest share of “Whitby Woman” voters found that the Tories are set to pick up just one in three of their votes in those seats.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

1 July 2024

Labour will take global lead on climate action, Ed Miliband vows

Research by More in Common has suggest Labour’s plan for Great British Energy is one of the main public cut-through policies – along with the Tories’ plans for national service.

Manchesterevening News

Manchester Evening News

29 June 2024

The hot topic that's the 'talk of the town' among locals in leafy Greater Manchester suburb

A focus group from Altrincham run by Jim Blagden, from not for profit organisation More In Common, shared these concerns - but with more of an emphasis on where the money from this tax would go. Alicia, who works in a local school, believed this would hinder rather than help state schools, as the added cash burden could see more children move from private schools to state schools.

The Times Logo

The Times

28 June 2024

Millions of ballots are up for grabs. Who are the undecided voters?

Step forward “Whitby woman”, a voter group identified by Luke Tryl, UK director of More in Common, at the start of the campaign as being pivotal to Conservative hopes. These voters live in places such as Redcar, Northumberland, and (obviously) Scarborough & Whitby, the Yorkshire constituency that voted Conservative in 2019 with a majority of 10,270.


The Independent

27 June 2024

Rishi Sunak ‘failed to deliver knockout blow’ he needed in last TV debate with Keir Starmer

Another poll, this time by the More in Common group, found the Labour leader had won by 56 – 44 per cent.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

27 June 2024

‘We’re taxing non-doms, not condoms!’: Labour strives to reconnect with disengaged voters

A focus group of non-voters in the city, carried out by More In Common for the Guardian, offers further evidence of the depth of those feelings.

“I work for the NHS so nothing good comes out of elections for me … no one cares,” said Hameder, a trainee nurse.