
Huff Post

Huffington Post

31 May 2024

'Why Do You Hate Young People So Much?' Rishi Sunak Skewered By Student

Sunak’s net approval ratings have also fallen after just one week of campaigning, according to the More in Common think tank.

Having been on -28% when he announced the general election last week, he has now dropped to -34%.

Daily Mail Logo

The Daily Mail

30 May 2024

Majority want maintenance grants reintroduced for poorest students - poll

A poll for the Sutton Trust charity found 87% of Britons agree that the Government should provide financial support for students from low-income households while at university.

The survey, of more than 2,000 adults in England, Scotland and Wales, found the majority (53%) want to see maintenance grants for students from low-income households reinstated.



30 May 2024

Net Zero is good news – and the public want it front and centre

The evidence says voters want political action on climate change. New research from Climate Outreach, in association with More in Common, tells us that, when polled, most people think Net Zero will be good for the economy. They clamour for ambitious, meaningful policies on climate change. That’s true across the country and across income brackets.


The Telegraph

30 May 2024

More people support Tories’ national service scheme than oppose it, poll finds

Luke Tryl, the UK director of More in Common, said that while the results suggest national service is not a “game-changer” of a policy, there is a “danger” for Labour to be seen to “rubbish it outright as a concept”.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

30 May 2024

‘A disaster’: undecided voters say Britain is a mess but still worry about Labour

"Hopefully we can get on with it, because what we’ve got happening at the moment isn’t really working, is it?” That was how Gemma, a construction manager, reacted to last week’s general election announcement. She was one of nine undecided voters in the new parliamentary seat of Hitchin, in Hertfordshire, who More in Common spoke to as part of a focus group on Wednesday evening.


The Telegraph

30 May 2024

Whitby Woman: The voter who could save the Tories from electoral wipeout

The key to saving the Tories from a 1997-style Labour landslide at the general election lies in the hands of a group of suburban Brexiteers dubbed “Whitby Woman”, pollsters believe.

These crucial voters, defined as women with an average age of 61 who voted for Boris Johnson in 2019 but are now undecided, are thought to be the main demographic standing between the Conservatives and “disaster territory” on July 4.