

The Independent

3 July 2024

Polling predicts how Britain’s diverse voter base could swing at the general election

Ed Hodgson, research manager at More In Common, said: “Labour looks set to match their strong national performance with a strong vote share among ethnic minority voters. Given the younger skew of this group, many of them will have voted Labour at every election since 2010, and never voted in a Labour Government.

Ethnic minority voters overwhelmingly think that a Labour government would make their life better, so this election marks the first chance for Labour to prove that this is the case.”

Daily Mail Logo

The Daily Mail

3 July 2024

Sunak `campaigning hard for every vote´ but polls point to Labour landslide

A More in Common poll suggested Labour was on course for a majority of 210, while a YouGov study indicated Labour would get 431 seats and the Tories just 102.

Huff Post

Huffington Post

3 July 2024

Tories Heading For 'Worst Election Result In Their History', New Poll Reveals

Luke Tryl, executive director of More in Common UK, said the final result could still be very different as millions of voters have still to make up their minds.

He said: “With hours to go before polls opening our latest MRP suggests the Conservative Party are heading for the worst result in their history, while Labour look set to achieve a record-breaking majority of their own.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

3 July 2024

From attack pillows to tortured metaphors: the ups and downs of the UK election campaign rollercoaster

On the plus side: it worked. In April, just 11% of people knew what Keir Starmer’s dad, a toolmaker, did for a living (he was a toolmaker); by June, after a relentless campaign of talking-about-the-toolmaker-thing, it was 27%, according to More in Common.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

3 July 2024

Hitchin voters remain undecided as they have been ‘left with more questions than answers’

"It’s all been very vanilla, hasn’t it? Starmer’s not going to win it, the Conservatives are going to lose it,” said Lee, a small business owner giving his final verdict on what he and eight other Hitchin residents felt had been a lacklustre and unilluminating election campaign.

In doing so, he might well have been talking on behalf of almost any of the 50 focus groups More in Common has run across the country over the course of this campaign.

C4 News Logo Landscape

Channel 4 News

2 July 2024

Who are Britain’s undecided voters?

Latest polls from More in Common, Opinium and YouGov suggest about one in eight voters in Britain still don’t know who they will vote for, so millions of votes remain up for grabs. But what do we know about these undecided voters?

They tend to be women. Nearly two thirds – 62% – of undecided voters are female, according to a poll by More in Common released yesterday.