
Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

23 May 2024

Economy, health, migration and more: key battlegrounds in the UK election

The prime minister has been waiting for inflation to fall to prove he can be trusted with the nation’s economic security and that his plan to make things better for the hardest-hit has worked. But recent polls suggest Labour outscores the Conservatives for being the party believed to represent working families and is more trusted with the economy. According to the More in Common thinktank, 65% of voters believe the Tories are for rich people.


The Telegraph

22 May 2024

‘Zero tolerance’ policing and tackling ‘woke madness’: Reform UK’s pledges at a glance

An analysis published by the More in Common thinktank in February found that the main reason given by voters planning to back Reform at the next election is to control immigration.


The Sun

22 May 2024

7 key battlegrounds to watch in General Election from Surrey to Solihull as Cabinet big beasts face off in showdown

The Tory brand in the Blue Wall has collapsed as many see the party regaining the image of the “nasty party” and being seen as “uncaring”, according to focus groups.

The More In Common surveys found that when compared to the national average, the Blue Wall voters are more likely to think the Tories are more right-wing than their personal politics.


Labour List

21 May 2024

Labour’s ‘first steps’ pledges: Poll reveals what voters think

The Labour leader last week unveiled six pledge card-style “first steps” towards the party’s five missions, described by a party spokesperson as “a distillation of Labour’s core retail offer” at the general election.

Research by More in Common, released today, found that, while more than six in ten respondents backed each of the pledges set out, 53% believed Labour would not deliver on all six within the next parliament.

Guardian Logo Kooth

The Guardian

8 May 2024

Starmer may be bland – but that passes the taste test in a country sick of spicy politics

In a recent survey by More in Common, a civil society organisation, voters were asked to describe the UK in a word. The top choices were “broken”, “mess”, “struggling”, “divided”, “expensive”, “poor” and “chaotic”.


Labour List

8 May 2024

Locals signal ‘Blair-style majority’ not hung parliament, new analysis finds

Luke Tryl, director of More in Common, dismissed suggestions that the country is heading for a hung parliament at the next general election, after another election expert said council results pointed to a closer race than polls suggest.

Tryl said at a briefing for journalists that while MiC’s best estimates put Labour’s lead closer than some polls that have put the party 25 points ahead, they still remain on course for a majority – on a similar scale to that of 1997.